Dr. Neeraj Goel - GI Surgeon In Delhi
October 20, 2023

Dealing with Gallstones: Is Surgery the Right Choice?

Dealing with Gallstones: Is Surgery the Right Choice?

Most of us have never given our gallbladder a second thought unless we've experienced the stabbing pain of gallstones. But this tiny organ can cause serious issues. We must learn the warning signs and symptoms of gallbladder problems, as well as when to consult a surgeon.

What are gallstones?

Bile is an important digestive fluid produced by the liver and utilized in digesting fats and aiding in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. It is stored in our gallbladder.

Gallstones that can form in your gallbladder are hardened deposits of bile that develop when certain components of bile, such as cholesterol and bilirubin, become concentrated or when the gallbladder doesn't empty properly.

Gallstones can be as big as a golf ball or as small as a grain of sand. While some people only have one gallstone, others may experience multiple gallstones at once. If you suspect you have gallstones or are experiencing symptoms related to them, it's recommended to seek medical advice for a proper diagnosis and guidance on treatment options.

What are the chances that you might develop gallstones?

It is seen that some individuals are more prone to gallstones than others; it's important to remember that not everyone with risk factors will develop gallstones, and conversely, some people without apparent risk factors may still develop them. The chances of developing gallstones can vary based on several factors, including:

  • Age: Gallstones are more common as people age.
  • Gender: women during their fertile years are at a higher risk due to hormonal influences.
  • Diet: A diet high in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol can contribute to gallstone formation by increasing cholesterol levels in the bile.
  • Genetics: If there's a family history of gallstones, your risk might be increased.
  • Obesity: Being overweight or obese increases the risk of gallstones.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnant women have an increased risk of developing gallstones.
  • Rapid weight loss: Losing weight too quickly can raise the risk of gallstone formation.
  • Medications: Some medications, like those used to lower cholesterol or suppress appetite, can influence the risk of gallstones.
  • Medical conditions: Conditions like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and liver diseases can increase the risk of gallstone formation.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: Certain gastrointestinal disorders, such as Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome, may increase the risk of gallstones.
  • Fasting or prolonged starvation: Prolonged periods of fasting or starvation can contribute to gallstone formation.
  • Lifestyle: A sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary habits contribute to obesity and may raise the risk of gallstones.

What are the symptoms you might have if you have a gallstone?

Gallstone symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe pain. Common symptoms include:

  • A sharp pain in the abdomen and back.
  • Pain that can be triggered by certain foods, especially fatty or greasy ones.
  • You may experience attacks of nausea and vomiting, especially after consuming fatty meals.
  • If a gallstone blocks the bile duct, it can lead to jaundice, causing yellowing of the skin and eyes.
  • Digestive problems such as bloating, gas, and indigestion can occur due to gallstones affecting the normal flow of bile.

Doesevery gallstone case require surgery?

Usually, all gallstones don't need to undergo surgery if they don't produce signs or symptoms or if your doctor thinks that you aren't likely to have any serious complications. Sometimes gallbladder removal surgery is recommended if you have had repeated attacks, and this is the best way to prevent gallstone attacks.

What are the risks of not having surgery for your gallstones?

If you have painful gallstone attacks, you might be recommended for surgery. Below are a few of the risks and potential complications of not having surgery for gallstones:

  • Gallstones can lead to more serious conditions such as inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), blockage of the bile ducts (choledocholithiasis), or infection. These complications can result in severe pain and fever and even require emergency medical intervention.
  • If a gallstone blocks the bile duct, it can lead to jaundice.
  • Intermittent or persistent pain in the upper abdomen, which can affect your quality of life and daily activities.
  • If the gallbladder becomes infected due to gallstones, it can lead to a serious condition called cholangitis, which requires immediate medical attention.
  • Gallstones can disrupt the normal flow of bile, leading to digestive problems, bloating, and discomfort after meals.
  • Gallstones can trigger inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), causing severe abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Living with the constant fear of gallstone-related symptoms or complications can significantly impact your overall well-being and quality of life.
  • Rarely leads to cancer of the gallbladder.

What to expect following gallbladder surgery?

Surgery for the gallbladder is safe and effective. There can be some discomfort, but most patients are up and back to work within a week to ten days. Although there may be some soreness for two to three weeks after the procedure, this is significantly less painful than traditional surgery.

Your liver keeps producing bile after surgery, which slowly leaks into the digestive system. After having your gallbladder removed, it is beneficial to restrict high-fat foods and full-fat dairy products since you no longer have a location to store the bile that your liver produces.

A note from Dr. Neeraj in Delhi

A surgical procedure will eventually be necessary if you have gallstones that are troubling you. Dr. Neeraj Goel, a well-known GI surgeon in Delhi, is available to address your concerns and lead you through the process. Make an appointment with him at the earliest possible time to avoid further complications.

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